Thursday, August 4, 2011

Terlepas Sudah.....

Antara konsert yg aku rase teramatlah rugi besar sbb x dapat menghadirkan diri selain drpd LOUDNESS dan MORBID ANGEL ari tuh atas sebab-sebab "teknikal" yg x dapat dielakkan.....Hemmm...mase dah pon berlalu.....Dpt kumpul poster-poster pon jadilah!


SLAYER tuuu...!!!












Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadan Datang Lagi...

Kalu tahun lepas aku jadi peniaga air dan kuih-muih kat tepi jalanraya dekat umah aku tu, tahun ni aku dok melepak kat bilik jek ngadap pc.....Bukan xnak teruskan aktiviti tahun lepas tapi gerai tempat aku berniaga tu dah ranap dek kerana ribut mase musim tengkujuh tahun lepas....

Hari ni adalah first day umat Islam seluruh negara berpuasa, tapi aku dapat "tambahkan pahala" dgn dengar lagu, jenguk facebook jap dan layan movie jek utk ari ni.....Just another boring day!

Sebelah mlmnye pun masih sama gak.....Masih terperuk dlm "penjara" aku sendiri...cuma kunci "penjara" ni aku sendiri yg pegang dan aku bebas "kuar masuk" bila-bila mase yg aku nak....

Teringat plak mase baru2 abis SPM dulu, mase tgh melepak ramai2, bebas balik umah kul 3, 4 pagi dulu...Mase tu selalu dok bayangkan, "Bestnya kalu dah keja bsok, ade duit, ade keta...bleh p merayau mane2 sesuke ati jek....." Tapi sekarang, nak pi mane dik ooiii? Keta dah ade, duit pon ade.....Xde sape nk marah...xde sape2 nk larang...tapi...???

Hermmm....xtaulah org lain punye "penjara" camne, agaknye lebih "selesa" dari aku kot?

I'm already sick and tired think about it..............and i'm still keep thinking.........

NIRVANA - Lithium

I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles. In a daze cause I've found god.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah.....

I'm so lonely. And that's ok.

I shaved my head. And I'm not sad, and just maybe
I'm to blame for all I've heard. And I'm not sure.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet you there.
And I don't care. I'm so horny. But that's ok. My will is good.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.....

I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you.I'm not gonna crack.
I killed you. I'm not gonna crack.

I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.

They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles.
In a daze cause I've found god.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah.....

I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you.I'm not gonna crack.
I killed you. I'm not gonna crack.

Monday, August 1, 2011

IRON MAIDEN - Flight 666 (2009)

Okey, aku baru lepas tonton dokumentari tour Iron Maiden ni untuk kali yg ke......hemmm......kali yg ke.........hhmmmppp.....ntah? aku pon dah lupe! Dah byk kali sgt dah aku tonton video ni!.....[masih lagi teruja setiap kali tgk!]...

Sape x kenal Iron Maiden sila angkat tangan!........... Walaupon xpenah dgr lagu diorg, ataupon xpenah tgk wajah2 line up band ni at least korg penah jugak dgr perkataan "IRON MAIDEN" kan? ataupon pernah terserempak ngan org2 yg pkai baju ade gambar/logo IRON MAIDEN kan?

Ape yg paling menariknye, adalah band Iron Maiden tu sendiri! Maksud aku sini, try bgtau aku band mane yg "sezaman" ngan Iron Maiden yg betul2 perjuangkan muzik mereka sendiri selagi hayat dikandung badan? Tolak ke tepi pasal glamour? Kekayaan? Perempuan? Kontroversi? Gossip? Dadah? Trendy?.....ade ke?....

Tapi, Iron Maiden yg telah menjadi idola kepada beratus-ratus [maybe beribu?] band metal seluruh dunia, masih lagi gagah hingga ke ari ni...........masih lagi aktif menghasilkan album yg laris terjual berjuta2 unit seluruh dunia.... masih lagi kekal ngan line up terkenal mereka dan masih lagi aktif berkonsert ke seluruh dunia dan yg paling best, masih lagi kekal bersemangat dan bertenaga dia atas stage walaupon sorg2 line up diorg tu da bleh panggil "atuk" dah.......[haaa...kalu nk tau, muzik rock/heavy metal la yg bleh melambatkan proses penuaan kita..hehehe]

Bruce Dickinson [vokalis] merupakan pilot pesawat Boeng 757 [Ed Force One] mereka sendiri!

Melalui video ni baru aku tau Iron Maiden adalah satu2nya band rock/heavy metal antarabangsa yg pernah wat konsert di India! Paling xleh ingat time tgk untiey-untiey kat sane dok sapu karpet dlm stadium [lokasi konsert Iron Maiden] pakai penyapu lidi time Iron Maiden dok wat soundcheck!!...Dah la stage dibina drpd buluh jek!....bbuahahaha....!!! Tapi sape sangka rupa2nye fan Iron Maiden mmg cukup ramai kat sane....Full stadium....hehe.....

 Aku cukup2 kagum ngan band Iron Maiden ni.....Walaupon nama mereka dah dikenali seluruh dunia tapi mereka masih lagi low-profile.....Diorg ni bukan jenis berlagak.....

Aku petik kata2 jujur guitarist Iron Maiden iaitu Janick Gers dari video ni......
"We've done it our way. We do it without radio, without any media. We haven't become celebrities. We still go and have a drink in the pub with our mates. Nobody has to bow down to us. We're just musicians. We play music, we enjoy it, and if you like our music, God bless you.......And if you don't like it, you know what?......God bless you too......"

Yeah, aku bangga sebab membesar dgn mendengar lagu2 drpd Iron Maiden!!!......Dan, aku xkan berhenti drpd menjadi salah seorg drpd jutaan Iron Maiden fan di seluruh pelusuk dunia sehingga ke akhir zaman..... 


Sebuah lagu Iron Maiden yg menjadi 'poojaan hatiku'.....

Afraid To Shoot Strangers
Lying awake at night I wipe the sweat from my brow
But it's not the fear 'cause I'd rather go now

Trying to visualize the horrors that will lay ahead
The desert sand mound a burial ground

When it comes to the time
Are we partners in crime?
When it comes to the time
We'll be ready to die

God let us go now and finish what's to be done
Thy Kingdom Come

Thy shall be done...on Earth

Trying to justify to ourselves the reasons to go
Should we live and let live?
Forget or forgive

But how can we let them go on this way?
The reign of terror, corruption must end
And we know deep down there's no other way
No trust, no reasoning, no more to say

Afraid to shoot strangers
Afraid to shoot strangers